
Welcome to my website! You are free to explore my website. I use this website as a blogging, a personal, and a portofolio website. This website is open source. So I am part of the open-source movement, right?


Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my personal website. My name is Anoki Youssou Fauzan Tanuel, also known as Anokidev. I am a 14 years old kid that is learning how to code. I am currently focusing on web development, but I am planning to learn more about low level programming such as C, assembly, and C++ plus hot new technologies such as Go, Rust, and Zig. You can click the 'Read More' button to read more about me!

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A little bit of introduction.

Hello there everyone, and welcome to my personal plus blogging website! This website is built on top of Next.js (A Javascript React framework), React (A frontend UI library), SCSS (CSS but sassy plus better), and Typescript (Javascript but strongly and statically typed). This website is meant to be a personal blog website, a portofolio website, and a website where I publish my projects and opinions in a form of an internet blog post.

Anyway, welcome! You are free to explore this website. You can use the navigation bar above (navbar) to view my projects by clicking 'Projects', my blogs by clicking 'Blogs', and my about page by clicking 'About'. You can view my Github account by clicking the Github logo in the Navbar. Enjoy, keep calm, and happy coding!


Some nice photos for showcase purpose.


Manjaro XFCE4 Rice

Manjaro Linux with riced XFCE4, running several terminal or Text User Interface (TUI) apps such as Neofetch, Htop, and Tmux.


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Since I am a developer, I also started some projects, most of them are abandoned, but I am focusing on Python projects right now.You can find more by clicking the 'More' button.



Modular, Extensible, and Dynamic Application Framework

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This is where I post silly rants, basic tutorials, and some controversial opinions.


Why CSS sucks, and how to avoid the frustation when dealing with CSS.

CSS, also known as Castading Style Sheet, is a pretty much the de-facto standard when it comes to decorating the web. CSS is probably one of the first thing that you touched when you are learning web development. However, as a guy who already got my hands dipped into the messy soup of web development, I will say one thing: CSS sucks. Here's why.

Released: 28-06-2022

Last modified: 30-06-2022

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