
My name is Anoki, and this is my about page.

My name is Anoki Youssou Fauzan Tanuel, also know as Anokidev, I am a 14 years old kid who is learning how to code. Currently, I am focusing to the world of frontend web development (Javascript, Typescript, CSS, SCSS, React, Svelte, Next.Js, Angular, etc). However, I like to expand my focus to datascience (R, Anaconda, Python, Panda, NumPy, etc), system administration (sysadmin, Bash, PowerShell, shell script, Linux, etc), and low level programming (C, C++, assembly, microcontroller, Arduino, etc). Currently I live in Indonesia, I also love Mathematics, science, computers, and other STEM-related topics and stuff.

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Table of Contents
  3. History


I am going to explain my coding journey, from 2017 -- until now.

Virtual Machine

I already touched computers since I was a kind, I also fell in love with computers since 2017, since that, I am spending way too many hours installing old operating systems in a bunch of VMs. In 2020, I decided to continue the VM Project, but this time, the catch is that I am going to focus to Linux and UNIX operating systems. I ended up learning a lot more stuff, such as bootloader, kernel, grep, Bash, Pacman, Apt, desktop enviroments, X11, window managers, etc.


After that, I started to learn Batchfile, the main scripting language that is used by a popular terminal emulator that is called Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe). Personally, I don't really like Batchfile, because it's features are quirky. Hell, even the official manual for the set command is really long. Btw, this is a block of code that I wrote in Batchfile way back in 2020:

TITLE Advanced Calculator @ECHO OFF CLS ECHO -by Ratpipe :OPT color 1f Cls ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO CMD CALCULATOR V1.0 ECHO BY RATPIPE ECHO[ ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO[ ECHO + = Sum ECHO[ ECHO - = Sub ECHO[ ECHO / = Division ECHO[ ECHO * = Multiply ECHO[ ECHO ~ = Exit ECHO[ ECHO[ ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ SET/P ch=" Enter Symbol " IF %ch% EQU + GOTO:SUM IF %ch% EQU - GOTO:SUB IF %ch% EQU / GOTO:DIV IF %ch% EQU * GOTO:MUL IF %ch% EQU ~ GOTO:EXIT IF %ch% GTR . GOTO:ERROR :SUM CLS ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO SUM ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ set /p A=" Enter First Number = " ECHO[ set /p B=" Enter Second Number = " SET /A C=A+B ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO %A%+%B%=%C% ECHO. PAUSE GOTO:OPT :SUB CLS ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO SUBTRACTION ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ set /p A=" Enter First Number = " ECHO[ set /p B=" Enter Second Number = " SET /A C=A-B ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO %A%-%B%=%C% ECHO. PAUSE GOTO:OPT :MUL CLS ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO MULTIPICATION ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ set /p A=" Enter First Number = " ECHO[ set /p B=" Enter Second Number = " SET /A C=A*B ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO %A%*%B%=%C% ECHO. PAUSE GOTO:OPT :DIV CLS ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO DIVISION ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ set /p A=" Enter First Number = " ECHO[ set /p B=" Enter Second Number = " SET /A C=A/B ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO %A%/%B%=%C% ECHO. PAUSE GOTO:OPT :ERROR CLS ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO[ ECHO ERROR ECHO[ ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO Wrong Options! ECHO. ECHO (+) For Add Numbers ECHO (-) For Substract number ECHO (/) for Division ECHO (*) for Multiply. ECHO. PAUSE GOTO:OPT :EXIT EXIT

HTML, CSS, and Javascript

In the middle of year 2020, I progressed further to the quirky world of web development. I learned HTML, followed by Javascript, and then CSS. I haven't learned several CSS libraries such as Tailwind, LESS, nor PostCSS. But I already learn SCSS (SASS) and I already touched Bootstrap CSS. I also learned some Javascript API such as Canvas API.

Javascript Frameworks and Python

In the end of 2022 I learned frameworks such as Electron. I also learned Git and NPM (Node Package Manager). And then I learned several different frontend and backend technologies such as Angular, Typescript, React, Next.JS, Svelte, Node.js, and a whole number of other stuffs. I also switched to Linux (Elementary), then learned Python.

Shell Scripting and Ricing Linux

In the year of 2021, I was introduced to a Reddit community called r/unixporn. It is a "geeks-only" Reddit community composed of thousands Linux elitist that loves decorating or ricing their Linux's powered computers. I switched to Manjaro due to the fact that I don't need to upgrade my entire system everytime an update was released, riced my GNOME, then switched to XFCE4, then to i3wm. This is also the phase when I started to editor-hop, (From VS Code to PyCharm to VS Code to Neovim to VS Code to Neovim to VS Code to Emacs to VS Code). I also learn another shell, PowerShell.

Manjaro XFCE4 Rice

Another Manjaro XFCE4 Rice